Yes, that is me.....w....a....y out there on that dead tree limb over water filled with rocks, large rocks as a matter of fact. I even climbed out there and back all by myself. That probably doesn't sound like much to lots of you athletic types but for me...the girlie, girl type, it was a huge step. I have a bit of a fear of heights and also every time a wave crashed into the tree it almost knocked me off. Even my boys were nervous and were not very comfortable with me venturing out of my box so far. I kind of felt it was representative of my new, stronger, learning to be braver self. I was scared to death, literally, BUT, I DID IT!
Another thing I managed to do is bring 4 (count 'em....4) teenagers on vacation all by myself. Now if that isn't BRAVE, I don't know what is. So far everyone is well and accounted for, though there have been a few Band-Aids needed and Neosporin has been in high demand. We have had so much fun this week on an island that was practically deserted and we had lots of free beach space. Not once have we had to have video games, but they built a pretty impressive sand fort today, complete with fire. Today for transportation, rather than me driving them, they rode bikes and loved it. Lots of great photos have been taken. It has been a great video games, very little TV and I really don't want to go home, except I am starting to miss Miss Macy and even S.C. and her wild puppy self just a little.
I love having the group around and find solace in their laughs and silliness. They are all on the brink of adulthood and I am glad I could provide one last trip before school, jobs and football start taking their time. It has been good to be on Island Time. I am blessed.