The past week or so has been absolutely gorgeous around here.
It has been the perfect welcome to Spring party!
I have to admit, Spring finds me completely in love with our backyard.
Pink, pink and more pink!
The crows nest is completely surrounded by blooms.
The Dogwoods, not to be out done, have put on quite a display!
My perfect spot to relax.
I just love Azaleas!
Even the Camellia is hanging on and still sharing some blooms.
No self respecting South Carolina home can be without at least a touch
of our State Flower, Yellow Jessamine (pronounced "JES-uh-min").
I stopped at the end of my street to snap this picture
because the Wisteria is just lovely this year!
These Azaleas are blooming at a park not too far from my house.
If you have never had the chance to meet an Azalea up close and personal you have missed out!