Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Blooming in my Backyard 2012

The past week or so has been absolutely gorgeous around here. 
It has been the perfect welcome to Spring party! 
 I have to admit, Spring finds me completely in love with our backyard.
 Pink, pink and more pink!
 The crows nest is completely surrounded by blooms.
 The Dogwoods, not to be out done, have put on quite a display!
 My perfect spot to relax.
 I just love Azaleas!
 Even the Camellia is hanging on and still sharing some blooms.
 No self respecting South Carolina home can be without at least a touch
of our State Flower, Yellow Jessamine (pronounced "JES-uh-min").
I stopped at the end of my street to snap this picture
because the Wisteria is just lovely this year!
 These Azaleas are blooming at a park not too far from my house.
If you have never had the chance to meet an Azalea up close and personal you have missed out!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Luscious Low Carb Creamy Lemon Jello Jigglers!

My youngest son is on a strict low carb/high fat diet treatment for his Seizure Disorder, so lately my time in the kitchen is focused on making sure he has plenty to eat without becoming discouraged.  This can be particularly hard when it comes to snacks (you can only be excited about so many cheese sticks!)  Today I found a recipe just too good not to share.  Even if you are not on a low carb diet this snack will melt in your mouth and make you feel wonderfully indulgent!  It tastes just like my Grandmother's Lemon Meringue Pie (minus the meringue and flaky crust, of course)! I just can't wait to try out other Jello flavors in this recipe. I bet the lime will taste a lot like a yummy summer lime pie! 

My little man was so happy to have something sweet that works perfectly in his diet and who doesn't love jigglers, especially when they are in fun Easter shapes?

Luscious Low Carb Creamy Lemon Jello Jigglers

2- 3 ounce packs of sugar free lemon Jello
1 cup boiling water
5 ounces heaving whipping cream

Spray a pan* or Jiggler mold with non stick baking spray. Dissolve Jello in boiling water and then add heavy whipping cream and mix well.  Pour into prepared mold/pan and place in refrigerate for approximately 3 hours until set.  Pop out on a plate and enjoy!

Store in fridge.

*If you don't have a mold pour into a small baking or cake pan and when set cut into squares for Jello bites!  These are good in a zippy bag for snacks.

This is not a Jello ad (although, I wouldn't feel bad at all if Jello decided to pay me....uhm...) but I just happen to use Jello and my new Spring Jello Mold Kit to make this.  I am sure any brand of sugar free would work just as well.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Time to Celebrate!

Image via Graphics Hunt
I haven't been online much lately because I have been outside enjoying Spring, which felt like it arrived long before today!  I hope to be back soon to share some photos of what is blooming in my part of the world! 

Happy Spring, y'all!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Retail Therapy Thursday!

I love a good deal, especially on designers that have a classic, preppy flair.  I am a big fan of "invitation only" sale sites and have gotten some good deals through them so I was excited to hear about the newest kid on the shopping block (LOL), Country Club Prep! I love their tagline, "All Preppy Clothing, All The Time!" It hasn't even opened its doors yet, but you can go ahead and sign up to become a member through this link, Country Club Prep Membership.   If you become a member now, you will be entitled to FREE shipping and returns for LIFE!  How cool is that? 
Become a Member HERE

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{Semi} Wordless Wednesday - Retro Style

My mind is wandering today to a time far way...when things just looked simpler, more clear, less cluttered… happier?

Burgers and pearls, what could be better?
Source: via Bella on Pinterest

Yep, I do believe a pair of yellow capris might be calling my name...
Source: via Bella on Pinterest the dream....

Linking up with Daphne @ Flip Flops & Pearls

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cleaning do you cope?

Please tell me I am not the only one out there who feels like she is perpetually behind on house work?
Oh my…I have felt behind now for over 2 months.  Yes, we have had a crazy, hectic, stressful an unusual 2 months but I just feel like I can’t get my groove in keeping up with all that needs to be done.  Feeling like I am behind is a huge area of stress for me.  I like things to be caught up and organized so this continual state of “half done” is about to drive me nuts!   I have trouble getting to the new projects that need to be tackled (remember we are trying to update this house a little at a time) when I feel the day to day needs attending to…and there is the laundry...oh how I hate thee, oh laundry!!!! 

I am just hoping I am not alone…