Thursday, September 23, 2010


Do you ever catch it?  I think my DH and I have a tiny bit of it in our genes.  We often laugh and say we both must have a gypsy gene somewhere.  That might explain why we have moved so often...I don't know.  Anyway, today - as I sit, trapped in the Volvo dealership waiting room  as I patiently wait for DH's car repair - I find myself thinking about some of the places I would love to visit one day.  Here are where my thoughts often go when wanderlust hits...

 Scotland, anywhere, anytime...I am ready.

 Luxembourg, DH  has spent time here and he loved it. 
After hearing about it and seeing pictures I just want to see for myself.

Lyons, France...have always wanted to go. 
I imagine I fell in love with France during my very 1st French class in college.

Who wouldn't want to spend time in the Italian countryside after Under a Tuscan Sky?

Greece....though, I suppose the Greek festival this weekend will be about as close as I get for a while.

 For my "off the beaten path" wander lust I have been intrigued by Reunion Island for a few years:  Introducing Reunion Island

A bit closer to home and I find myself thinking about.... 
 Prince Edward Island to seek my own Anne of Green Gables experience.

How could I not want to see the Grand Canyon in all its glory?

I have a sweet friend who has visited Mackinac Island many times.
Her stories and photos have made this one of those dreaming places for me.

So, when wanderlust attacks, where does it take your mind/body?


  1. As a matter of fact, I was just sitting here, researching bike trails. Easy bike trails. :)

    I'm always ready to go. If you ever need a travel companion. ;)

  2. I share the desire to escape to many of these same places. I've always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island! "Anne of Green Gables" was a childhood favorite. :)

  3. I want to visit every place you mentioned. My husband wants to go on a bicycle mission trip in Africa so I'll add that to the mix. Also, the french or italian riviera such as Monaco.

  4. Those are some of my favorite places...and a few of my "wishes" as well. I always say that in my next life I want to come back as one of my kids because they get to do everything. Jenna lived in Lyon for a summer for an internship and both the girls have been to Greece. DOTR definitely is a travelin' man...I'd have a lot more furniture and new bathrooms if he didn't like to travel so much. My biggest travel fantasy is to follow the Tour de France around for three weeks. Someday....

  5. such gorgeous images....take me with you! oh how the day to day monotony can make us long for the adventure that travel brings! i have a friend who is always planning her next big trip. it gives her something to look forward to for sure! keep us posted if a trip is in your future! xoxo

  6. Why I think we might be related to y'all because we've also moved around a lot too. I also know the Volvo dealership waiting room very well. I had a V70 wagon and it was in the shop more than I'd like to admit. I'm telling you, we are y'alls southern relatives.

    As for travel...I would say I would want to go to Victoria, BC. I want to have high tea at the Empress room.

    #2- London. I'm a huge Piroit fan and would like to go on the tour of his flat.

    #3- Prague. I've always wanted to catch a preformance at the Prague State Opera House.

    #4- Moscow to see the palaces and visit the Pushkin museum.

  7. Such pretty, scenic pictures to day dream with! The more I hear about Italy, the more I would love to visit there. As you say, there are many places in the USA I should dream about visiting too!


  8. ooh, i love to travel and want to go to all these places, too. i went to mackinac island when i was younger-when i had no appreciation for beautiful scenery. i want to go back and appreciate it!


Thank you for stopping by...leave a little of your sparkle before you go!