Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Mail Day!

It was a super mail day here today! 
When I opened the mailbox I found a wonderful package waiting for me from Sarah @ Sweet Carolina Girl
She hosted a Lilly giveaway a couple of weeks ago and I won!!! 
WhoooHOOOO, for great blog giveaways!!!! 

Thanks, Sarah!  I am going to love using the super cute Lilly Pulitzer tumblers and can't wait to have some cocoa in that gorgeous Lilly mug

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fall Fashion, anyone?

I have been kinda, sorta, looking towards fall a bit, in regards to fashion and though I am not giving up summer quite yet, I have found a couple of trendy things that I may have to add to my closet. The first one (well, maybe more than one..) would be the chunky, multi-layered necklaces that are in stores. Maybe it is just the 80s in me... (you know we layered was NEVER enough)... but I think I will be sporting some big, chunky bling this fall!

No compensation was provided for this post

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Junkin' for Projects at The Thieves Market!

Last Saturday, Piper Ellice (known here on this blog as DD - dear daughter!) and I, went here, to the Thieves Market to do some "junkin'" as my dear friend,Cathy @ Cathy's Out Junkin' Again, would call it.  By the way, Cathy is like a magician with all her junkin' finds.  Check her out to be inspired!
There were all kinds of jewels waiting to be polished! 
We spent a good deal of time looking over the many thousands of square feet of treasures.  There are times when I really think I should drive a truck, because our little cars are limited on the haul they can safely (and legally) retrieve.
But...we hit pay dirt in an old bathtub (no, not the bathtub!) with some vintage, tin tiles complete with Fleur de Lis pressed into each one.  They are delightfully rusty and have the remnants of their previous paint job, which is exactly the blue that DD has wanted for her new room (in this house, not her dorm room!).  These little prizes set us back $1 a piece!  Yep, we are fancy!!!
So, we grabbed a box of tiles.  The sweet proprietors assured us that there were many more hundreds in a box somewhere if we needed. 

We have rolled around several ideas on how to use these beauties, but I would love to know how you would use them.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Post Today...

We were otherwise engaged!

NO post today!

As we were otherwise engaged! 

No Post Tuesday...

Because we are otherwise engaged....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life Lessons from Big Sis...

We are on the count down, here in the Southern Somedays house, to when we have to drive 3 hours away and leave DD at college.  To say that I am struggling with this transition and new season of life would probably be an understatement, but apparently one of the brothers is realizing that there are some major changes coming as well.  Suddenly, he has become interested in the kitchen, in particular, the baking of yummy, chocolaty BROWNIE goodness.  Generally speaking, DD was in charge of providing the  brownies.  It just was her thing.  Well, I guess her brother realized that he might need to know how to do this because the provider of the the brownies was leaving and he might need some brownies!
DD took time to lead him down his own path to yummy chocolaty BROWNIE goodness...
Memories made....
and his brownie future secured.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Sofa Thoughts

I need a new sofa. 

Yes, need - not want, because we are really coming to the end of our beloved sofa's life.  We have had this sofa for 11+ years and trust me when I say it has given itself honorably (considering it has had 3 children - 2 of them rough and tumble boys and 2 cats - living on it constantly).  Actually, it is in good shape structurally and even the seat cushions are still holding up well, it is just the fabric is sad.  Truly, this is the best sofa we have ever had by a long shot, the quality can't be beat!

About 4 years ago I had the seat cushions recovered because that fabric, obviously took much more wear and tear than the rest of it.  I used a great coordinating plaid and it really just popped with the floral fabric and bought us several more years of time before the word "need" started getting batted around.  I have considered having it re-covered and I am still not off the fence on that one...if I can find fabric that I love in a reasonable price range (currently that doesn't see to be happening because everything I find is so expensive and then the recovering is pricey so we tend to be leaning towards a new sofa). 

There is just one catch, I love this fabric!  I have built an entire house around THIS fabric!  I love its warm tones and have used quite a bit of the yellows and oranges and greens in the rest of my decorating. I am not ready to discard the look.  It makes me feel good and comfy.  So, tomorrow I am going to head to a retailer that sells sofas by this manufacturer (Taylor King) and see, just see, if possibly they still offer the fabric.  Oh, and see how much said sofa would cost (11 years later).  I bought a few yards of this fabric to cover the piano bench just about 4 years ago so I know it is a long shot, but if the fabric is still available, I am seriously considering buying an identical sofa.

Is that crazy?  Has anyone else every bought the same item 11 years later because you still loved it???   

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Farmers Market Bounty...

This year, with our move, I didn't plant any vegetables.  Usually, I plant at least a few tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squash.  We have missed those home grown veggies, but have had the wonderful consolation of living very close to a fantastic State Farmers Market.  In other places we have lived there have been local Farmers Markets that are open once, or twice a week, but we are lucky to have access 6 days a week.  Not only do they have a great selection of locally grown produce, there are also great organic cheeses, meats and  several stalls with plants.  I really love the Pee Dee State Farmers Market

This was my haul for toady's trip: okra, tomatoes, peaches, red potatoes, green beans and a huge cantalope. Tomorrow I will slow cook the green beans and potatoes (southern style with a "side of meat"), fry some chicken, fry up  that yummy okra, slice up the cantelope and tomatoes and add home made buttermilk biscuits and follow that with fresh peach cobbler (nothing has calories or cholesterol on Sundays, right?).  Now that is what I call Southern Sunday Dinner!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bag Lust...

Do you ever having one of those days when you wake up with a little bag lust?  You know...when you just feel like a new purse would lift your spirits (aka: retail therapy)?  Well, today is the day when the idea of a new pocket-book (does your Grandmother still call them that?) is tugging at my heart.  I have seen these great Amy Butler  bags  recently, and I think they are lovely!  What do you think?

*this is just a little retail therapy of my own...I received no compensation for this post!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

piper's blog

Seersucker Thursday!

Happy Seersucker Thursday!  Yes, I know I am a month late for the "Official" Seersucker Thursday, but it has been so blasted hot (not that I am complaining!) I think every summer Thursday should be Seersucker Thursday! 
Did you know that there truly is an official Seersucker Thursday?  It traditionally arrives on the 3rd Thursday in June.  It began with Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, who in 1996, wanted to "bring a little Southern charm to the Capitol", not to mention, it gets hot in Washington (in more ways than one!).
I am really impressed at how well our Capitol Hill representatives got into the entire seersucker vibe!  Don't they just look nicer?  More civil?  More refined?  If they dressed this way more often, I just know our world would be a better place!
Whether you are a bow time or a tradition tie kind of guy, seersucker makes my heart sing and makes any man more handsome. 
This past Easter my sweeties all decided to take the cool route and celebrate the arrival of the Southern Season in seersucker.  See more Southern Somedays Seersucker here: Easter 2010

In case you need some seersucker in something other than a traditional blue or pink; what about this beauty - the Franco dress from Lilly? Lilly Pulitzer Franco Dress
Or this for the sweet, little, pink princess in your life (ooooh, I wish I had a baby girl to buy for!): 
I love seersucker and all my babies had their fair share of seersucker love
(Seersucker and a Southern Mamas Heaven).  Just remember seersucker isn't just for clothes...isn't this an adorable Moses Basket?  Find it at: Wendy Anne Moses Basket at Cozy Babies
So, cool off y'all and put on your will be all the better for it! 

No endorsement or fees were paid for this post.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What is Blooming in Your Yard?

This morning I took some photos of the pretties that are making an appearance in my yard right now.  Here is just one of the beautiful blooms off one of the Hydrangea Bushes
Next, can you tell what is growing right next to the Crepe Myrtle?
That would be a gorgeous Eucalyptus Tree.  I have always wanted one!
One of my biggest concerns when I found out I was going to be moving was that I had a great love for our 4 large Natches variety Crepe Myrtle trees. They adorned our front yard in the last house and I loved them very much.  Well, I was thrilled to find out that we have several (in multiple varieties) at the new house and they have put on quite a show for us.
We also have a couple of rose bushes that are working hard to make us smile.  Both of them appear to be climbers that have been neglected and have gotten lost under other bushes.  How can you not love something that has that much desire to live and does it with such beauty?
Here is a close up of the only gardening I have done so far.  Since we moved right before the 4th of July I was inspired to do a red, white and blue (yes, there are tiny blue flowers on the trailing plants) planting.
I won't be doing much gardening until fall arrives with some cooler air and fewer critters in the bushes, but I have been enjoying the show that was already here!

What is Blooming in Your Yard?

Close up of the only gardening I have done. I planted a red, white and blue display since we moved in right before The 4th of July!
One thing I really worried about when I found out we were moving is leaving my beloved Crepe Myrtle trees.  We had 4 large ones of the Natchez variety that I adored.  Fortunately, for me we have several in our new yard and they have been putting on quite a show.  Here are some of the things that are blooming in my new digs...

Awards Day!

I was treated to The Honest Scrap Award yesterday by Kate at Southern-Belle-Simple.  I love her blog title - Kate, I wish I had thought of that one!!!  Anyway, you of the cute blog title, thank you so much for honoring me with a blog award.  Maybe it is silly, but I get excited when I get these as I see them on so many great blogs.  It is nice to know folks are reading! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

As part of the award, I am supposed to list 10 things about myself so here goes:
  1. Green is my favorite color.
  2. The car I drive is 17 years old, and 17 years ago - I drove the same kind of car.
  3. I studied Interior Design in college but worked very little in the field.
  4. I now live 1/2 mile from where my 1st job in design was located.
  5. I returned to college about 6 years ago and got a Business degree.
  6. I like extra dark chocolate.
  7. I am re-learning to cook after not doing it for quite a while.
  8. I love magazines.
  9. I love to read.
  10. I love the pool.
So now I want to pass along a bit of fun with The Honest Scrap Award to:

Piper (my sweet daughter!) at Tarleton West 
Holly at So Chic Decor

Check out these fantastic blogs, you won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lilly Giveaway!

Do you love Lilly? 

Y'all know, I do!  Sarah, over at  Sweet Carolina Girl, is having a Giveaway that is all Lilly. 

Pop over and check it out:  Sweet Carolina Girl


Ok, now I will start my Tuesday rant by saying, I am not a prude!  That being said, we (as in the entire family), were recently exposed - well, maybe "exposed" isn't the correct word here...oh, well, maybe it is  - to a little too much PDA (public display of affection)!  On Sunday we went to the beach for the afternoon and we went to the very same FAMILY oriented beach we always go to.  Seems like a safe bet, right?  Well, unfortunately there was a family just down the beach from us (next to us) that included 2 youngish (???maybe early 20s) couples.  This family did have young children with them, though I don't really know who the parents might have been because the  "Grandma" of the group was the only one who seemed to care whether they survived their beach experience (another post, of course).  Anyway, these two couples both laid in the edge of the surf a couple of feet from each other and spent the afternoon basically, as my kids said, making for real making out! 

Yes, right out there for God and everyone to see!  It was really over the top.  I am not talking about even snuggling up close with an occasional kiss...I am talking "I am glad they had swimsuits on, otherwise Grandma would probably be on her way to having another grandchild!".  I guess I don't get out much, because I was just shocked.  We were in a really family type area (heck, they were with their family!) and generally we haven't seen such behavior there before. 

Now, my DH and I are pretty affectionate and we hold hands and walk arm in arm pretty much all the time and occasionally will kiss in public so I am - in general - not a freaker-outer about PDAs, but his was just over the top.  I felt like the church lady wondering how the what appeared to be parents of these two couples could tolerate it and where has a simple sense of propriety gone? Tsk! Tsk!  Honestly, if it were one of my children (even in their 20s) I would smack them "upside the head"!  

I eventually turned our beach chairs at an angle that I couldn't even see this family as I was afraid my eyes were going to was just TMI! 

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Yep, today I thought I would be whipping up something delish with some amazing blueberries that DH brought home yesterday.  He has some amazing gardeners working with him and they love sharing the bounty!  So, last night I actually looked up blueberry recipes and was thinking today was going to be baking day.  Not happening!  Apparently these little jewels are so good that they have promptly disappeared and both my boys have mysterious blue mouths....hmmmmm.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Follow Friday!

I love finding new blogs to read.  So I decided to join in the Follow Friday Blog Hop!  What is a blog hop, you may ask?

"Blog readers will see the same list on all of the blogs and will be able to "hop" from blog to blog. What a fun way to find new friends! If you have not joined previous weeks, be sure to add your blog to the list today. Even if you've already added your blog on another blog hop, add your name to the list today since every week is a new list." 

So why not "hop" on?

Sleeping Porch...

I think anytime you move into a new home (whether it is truly new or just wonderfully new-to-you) you begin to be more aware of design and decorating, even if you aren't continually focused on it.  For me, I am a house person.  I love houses, love seeing how others make them into homes.  There is nothing more fun for me than peeking into someone else's home to see what they have done with it.  I am always looking at real estate listings, design and decorating magazines and reading blogs about homes.  I will go to Designer Show Houses and Open Houes with great abandon!  So, to be in a new home just makes me look even harder as I start making this house into our new home.

Recently I came across Jane Coslick's blog.  Now it isn't my traditional style, but I fell in love. Her style is my fantasy!  It is the perfect look for these hot, summer days.  I have always wanted a Sleeping Porch and she must have had me in mind when she designed this one.  Oh, I could just just stay there forever.  Jane Coslick Design Website

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Reading...

Summer reading is just the best, don't you think?  Well, my sweet friend, Amanda, over at Serenity Now has a blog party going on for great summer reads, and I don't like to be left out of the party so I thought I would jump in.  Please pop over and check out some other great recommendations for indulging in the fine art of Summer reading!

So far this summer I have read:

Now, this is a long awaited book for me.  Charles Martin is currently my favorite author.  I read this in the two days that our movers were at our house in Georgia packing up.  It was a wonderful escape and I actually left it as a "parting gift" for my dear neighbor, Susan.  We are kindred souls when it comes to reading, so I knew she had to share this book with me.  The only sad part is that I won't be there to sit beside her on our front porch rockers and talk about it when she finishes! Trust me, Charles Martin doesn't disappoint with his latest release! 

I also just finished up The Help.  When I first picked this up, I wasn't really feeling it would be all that great, but isn't that just the most wonderful thing about books....surprises lie between the covers.  The Help turned out to be one of the best books I have read in a really long time. 

I also recently read Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt and, though it was a much lighter read than The Help or The Mountain Between Us, it was a good book!  I look forward to seeing more from this writer.

Now on to my "about to read" list:

So, what have you read that has just been wonderful this Summer?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dinner Dilemma!

After many months of not really having a typical schedule and lots of eating out and on the run, I have found myself at a loss at how to get back in the groove with cooking at home.  Yes, I desperately want to cook at home every night (really) and I want my family to have healthy, made from scratch food regularly - not to mention being easier on the family budget.  But here is where I am struggling.  I used to sit down and make a menu for 10 days or so, and then a grocery list to go along with it and we were able to pretty much stick to that and it worked great.  Now when I sit down with just that intent, I am just blank...what to fill those days with???  What can I plan for that is healthy, reasonably cheap and works with my time frame?  What did we used to eat?  Gosh, I am just lost.  Tonight I sat down and went through a couple of cookbooks trying to get some inspiration and organization, but didn't come away with much.  I also used to think I was a pretty descent cook but now I don't know, maybe just being really, really out of practice is showing? 

So, I would love to hear what y'all all have as standards in your menus.   Help me out, blog friends...please!

Monday, July 12, 2010

THE Yard Man...

Yep the new house also has a new Yard Man!  Anyone thinking Patrick Dempsey in "Can't Buy Me Love"?  All he needs is the cowboy hat and boots!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baby Girl starts to Blog...

Hey y'all!  I want to introduce my new favorite blogger...yep, that is my sweet DD!  Baby girl has decided to jump into the blog-o-sphere and share her experiences as she preps for college and her first "home away from home".  Please go over to Tarleton West and give her a warm blogland welcome!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Overwhelmed...progress stalled!

Ugh!  We made some great progress this week with getting our life settled into this house but I am finding myself overwhelmed with one room in particular.  THE OFFICE!  We had 1 office area in the last house (same here) but I had a bonus room that was essentially "office overflow" and I don't have that here.
The most difficult part is that in the last house the bonus room was never seen, so it could be messy storage and things could reside in plastic bins and crates of various makes and color...not here. In the new house the office is on the left, off the foyer and directly across from the formal dining room and also opens into the kitchen. Oh, also in the last house I had an office closet with floor to ceiling shelves for office supplies, my file cabinet, etc. Not anymore, and I have stalled on the office. I have to get it unpacked, but I am not real sure where/what/how to put everything. I have thousands of photographs that haven't been organized, along with lots of years of treasures that my kiddos have made, etc. that I am really struggling with.  Also, where to put the real office supplies, work files, records, etc.
I am really thinking some built-ins may be in order...otherwise, how do I had my chaos?