Did you go out and party the night away? Did you have a quiet dinner with someone special? Did you go to bed early and skip the hoopla? We, here at the Southern Somedays house, rang in 2010 in a new way this year! It was the 1st time in many years that we had all 3 children home with us (in the last few years the boys have spent the night with my parents and our daughter has been out of town with a group of her friends). It was also the 1st year that they were all old enough to be excited about New Years, so they wanted to do something special. DH and I decided we would have our
1st Annual Family New Years and it was a blast. We went out to dinner (
BBQ - not fancy, but yummy and fun) then we came back and the boys played a game of Risk , then we laided out a little mid-night spread complete with sparkling grape juice. We then danced a bit, and took part in Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years Eve from the
WARM comfort of home. It was different but really fun and I think we may have the makings of a new tradition.
Also, of course, the arrival of 2010 brings me to my yearly resolution (yes, I make them and really, really try to keep them). I love the new year and the chance to mentally wipe the slate clean and re-evaluate what/how I am living my life and what I would like to change. Just like our celebration on New Year's Eve was different, my resolution is a bit different in the fact that it isn't different. It is the VERY same resolution I made last year,"to pare down and simplify my life. I want to rid myself mentally and physically of all the clutter that has gathered in the corners of my life." I made this resolution last year and it has served me well. I still have a ways to go, and want to continue the refining and decluttering my mental and spiritual life and also declutter my physical life. So...not original, but I am committing to continuing this process. What was your resolution?
Happy New Year, blogland!
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