Friday, September 28, 2007

Surprises in the mail!

As anyone who has read this blog for long knows…I am a magazine addict. I just love them! Imagine my surprise when I went to the mailbox, just yesterday, and in it was a surprise. A surprise in the form of the Premier Issue of Vera Bradley Magazine!!!!

What a stupendous, completely unexpected, surprise! It isn’t a big magazine (do you sense I would love to see more?) but it has some great articles and product reviews (not just Vera products, lest you think it is all about Vera, but it IS all about conveying the “Vera Lifestyle”!). It has a few yummy party recipes for the upcoming holiday season, like Cheese Triangles made from phyllo sheets and Key Lime Zinger cookies. There is also a neat article about Carmel-by-the Sea, CA and packing tips if you plan a trip there. I loved the article about the family who had relocated to NYC but worked to create a cozy home that melded their way of life before NYC with the energy of the city. Of course, it was full of great shopping and product reviews, which the part of me that requires retail therapy appreciates very much, thank you.. The photography is gorgeous and I can see how this magazine could be the start of a lovely lifestyle magazine….Vera Style, of course! I can’t wait to see more. Check it out for yourself:

***edited to add an apology for messing up the link, I think I finally got it correct!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Super Cute Shoe Friday!

Yes….this is a post about Super Cute Shoes! Thrilling, yes! Deep, no! But, eh, it is Friday so you take what you can get.

First off though, I have to say I am married to the most patient, sweetest man in the world. How do I know this, you ask? Well, when he asked me what my plans for the day were and my answer was, “To wear my new Super Cute Shoes!” he actually agreed that they are super cute, kissed me and headed down stairs to have breakfast with our boys…now, that is a sweet man! Why do I say he is the most patient? Well, that would be because as he was trying to get out the door this morning to work he not only dislodged DS2’s first “loose tooth” (which truth be known, is one of his least favorite parenting tasks!) but also willingly took some photos of said Super Cute Shoes for me so that I could share them here in blogland….Now, if that isn’t a good man…I don’t know what is!

Anyway, these are my new Super Cute Shoes! Don’t you just love them??? Before anyone rolls their eyes up in their little heads, I do know all about what "they" say about red shoes…but I have yet to hear one single thing about red plaid shoes!!!!!!!!! So I feel quite stylin’ (especially after Miss Teenage Fashion Diva lusted sufficiently over MY shoes and outfit…though I did have to borrow a bracelet from her) today in my Super Cute Shoes with cropped, dark wash, denim pants and no-to-be-out-done cute white, crochet trimmed blouse and red, faux-croc, wide headband…Oh yeah, I am cute today!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Meg over at has tagged me in a Meme. So I think, since there is nothing overly exciting to post about, I will play along but first I must admit I don't know how I feel about Meme's...I love reading about others through the information most Meme's share but I can't say I like would kind of be like those funny, sweet, sentimental email feel bad if you don't like them and are glad you are thought about but just can't quite decide how you stand on the issue...oh well, too much thought for a Thursday:

M - married to the most wonderful of men

I - introvert...yep, I am

C- Christian

H - Happy and healthy (though I could loose a bit of extra Heart Disease causing poundage)

E - Expectations are very high, about everything!

L - love my children very much

L - laughter gets me through most stress

E - Exact...that is the way I like things!

Now I tag,, and

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Red Clay?

Have you ever seen Georgia red clay? That is the dirt of my youth. I remember the 1st time I moved away from Georgia I was surprised that the dirt there was...well...brown. As a Mom, I have learned how the red clay of Georgia can leave a lasting mark on clothing that little people like to wear; as a Southerner, I have learned how the red clay of Georgia can leave a lasting mark on one's heart.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lets never forget....

Six years ago, today, were you changed?

Please don't ever forget.