Sunday, December 30, 2007

New South verses Old South....

Since, obviously, life in the South is one of my favorite topics I thought I would toss up this little nugget of insight.

This isn't mine but it comes from one of my favorite little books: New Times in the Old South or Why Scarlett's in Therapy and Tara's Going Condo by Maryln Schwartz (who also wrote The Southern Belle Primer):

"You Can Always Tell

Much about the Old South and New South is so blended together that it's hard to tell which is which. But still, no matter how much money you have, how much coaching you have and how many sponsors you have, there are ten ways you can always tell that your new money in the Old South.

  1. Your plastic surgeon buys an entire table at the charity ball you're chairing.

  2. Your bathroom is bigger than the town you were born in.

  3. Your silver pattern wasn't inherited from your grandmother, it was recommended by your hairdresser.

  4. The newer your money, the smaller the vegetables you serve at your dinner parties.

  5. Your paintings match the sofa.

  6. When people talk about you, they know how much money your house cost rather than who your grandfather was.

  7. No little pearl earrings from Grandmother; your earrings are big enough to double as barbells in your aerobics class.

  8. You've never heard of home-made cheese straws; your speciality is the miniature frozen quiches from Sam's.

  9. You don't have a file of family recipes, you have a file of caterers.

  10. Your pearls are fake; but your money is real."

This is almost as good as the 12 patterns of the Southern Silver Zodiac! Schwartz, Maryln. New Times in the Old South, or Why Scarlett's in Therapy and Tara's Going Condo, 1st Edition, Harmony Books, 1993


Yes, that is my Wedding China pattern – Noritake’s now discontinued Tahoe. I remember picking china back in the late 80’s; I wanted something classic that wouldn’t be considered “tacky” (heaven forbid!) and would stand the test of time…well, girls, I couldn't haven’t gotten much blander than the pattern I chose - white on white with platinum band.
Looking back, I imagine the lack of imagination came from fear (I mean “Wedding China” now THAT is a commitment if there ever was one – with statistics being what they were/are - possibly the china would be around longer than the man!). I didn’t want anything that could have stuck me in a color scheme, and I was having something of a weird period about flowers on plates, and didn’t want anything that seemed childish (especially since I was a child bride trying to prove my maturity with each choice – hush, YOU know I was!).

Anyway, I have grown up and now wish I had china in a lovely, bold floral pattern (preferably with lots of pink influence). My dear mother-in-law (DMIL) has an amazing collection of Royal Albert’s Old Country Roses…now THAT is a china pattern. I know that when it is time for my DD to pick her pattern I will nudge (or push as need be – yeah, I am the Mama!) her down that road because of Nana’s vast collection that *hopefully* she will one day have. What a heritage in china, that having her new wedding china blended with Nana’s would be. Oh, yeah…you might be a belle if you understand the heritage in china!
This afternoon I have been perusing and debating starting a new set of China…something lovely, feminine and PINK! I love old things and maybe have found a neat vintage pattern in Rosenthal’s Moss Ross…
Or Haviland’s Moss Ross
So...what is your china pattern, and if you started over today would it be different?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas, Strangers!

Merry Christmas, bloglanders! Yes, it has been a while (Thanksgiving - blush - I think). It has been a very busy season here at Southern Somedays so I have had to take a blogging break and sadly I wasn't polite enough to make that note to all you sweet people who sent me emails and comments.

We have survived the Christmas season relatively scar free, but not without feeling frazzled. This year was the 1st Christmas that I have worked outside the home since we have had children. I generally become "Martha" and all things festive magically appear and are organized for my family...not so much this year! We didn't have as many photo moments to be sure and I am struggling with that - I love them as much as the children do. Gifts weren't purchased and wrapped and under the tree from day 1 (yes, I was still shopping last Friday which I did NOT like in the least bit!). Cookies were not baked (at my house, at least), and caterers were good friends this year. Well, it may not have been Marthaesque but it did get done!

Even with the crazy/busy we have had a wonderful Christmas season full of blessings.

Blessing: we were able to find a bit of time each Sunday evening to celebrate our family version of Advent. We spent precious time gathered in our kitchen reading from the Bible and lighting the candles of our Advent Wreath. It was one of the high lights of the season.

Blessing: We also were able to go caroling to shut-ins from our church one Wednesday Night.

Blessing: DH and I celebrated 19 years of marriage...though he did take DD to a concert that night (what? LOL).

Blessing: Our family was blessed, as usual, by the Christmas Music Program done by the Lower School which both our sons are in. BTW, it was a CHRISTMAS Program complete with God, Jesus and the true meaning behind the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessing: DD took part in our Church's annual Christmas Production and Dinner theatre and we were all so very proud of her. She also had her 1st Voice Recital last Friday night and we were blown away by her talent (where did she get that?).

BIG Blessing: I suppose the true highlight was last night, when our youngest DS was baptised during our Church's Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. It was even more special knowing that our oldest DS was baptised 4 years ago, also in the Christmas Candlelight Service. Knowing that all 3 of my children have accepted Christ and have made a public profession of faith is all the Christmas Gift that this Mommy could ask for.

Busy or not I know that we are so blessed and God is so good and merciful and full of grace. Grace that I can't begin to grasp...Mercy that came in a manger...Merry Christmas all.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope that everyone has a wonder filled day focusing on the things that make life worth living.

Today I am so thanks filled for my God. His grace, mercy and forgiveness are beyond my comprehension but I am so thankful for them.

Today I am thankful for my DH (dear husband). He is the bestest! Just last night he tromped all over shopping with me and took me out to dinner and then this morning cooked a wonderful breakfast for the whole family...even making me heart shaped pancakes.

Today I am thankful for my children. I know so many sweet couples who are trying to hard to have children of their own (or had to go through so much to get the ones they have) and seeing the heartache that infertility can bring makes me focus on the gifts that God has blessed me with. I don't know why I was blessed like this (surely, of no worthiness of my own) but I hope I never lose sight of what wonders they are.

Today I am thankful for the country in which I live. Freedom...real freedom is what we in America have. I am thankful daily for the men & women who continue to fight and the sacrifices that their families make so that my family will be safe and free. I am thankful for those who have died in the fight for freedom, my freedom.

Today I am thankful for the shelter, food and clothing that I have been blessed with. I am thankful that I have access to medical care and that I can provide that to my children.

Today I am thankful for the "Belles", a group of friends who are scattered all over the world but found me when I was really in a lonely place in life and have continued to love and support me. Though we are all in different places and seasons of life our friendship is a beautiful thing!

Today I am thankful that I have a chance to really soak in the blessings and gifts in my life.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How could I forget??? Another milestone...

Yes, DD has her Driver's Licence now. I took her to the DMV yesterday morning and she passed their required Road Test, took the photo and now...well, now the panic begins. She is excited to have crossed this milestone...Me? Not so much!

Today, even though she didn't have to go to school she was up early. She was getting all pretty to drive over to have lunch with her Daddy and (at my request) check out a store close to his office and their prices on slim Christmas trees (we have decided to put a slim one in her room this year instead of the full figured one she normally has), then she was going by Starbucks ( a girl has to get her fix) and the bank and post office to mail something for me. To say that letting her drive away - alone - was hard, is a major understatement.

Ho, Ho, stockings!!!

Last night DD and I were out for a bit of retail therapy and I found a great pre-Christmas score!!! New stockings for the whole family with each person's monogram accented with Swarovski crystals for only $9.99 each. Yes, $9.99! I have wanted to replace our stockings for several years (6 to be exact) but never found any that I liked enough to shell out the $ for 5 new coordinating ones. Since the arrival of DS#2 (6 years ago) we just let the kiddos use 3 of our previously 4 coordinating stockings and DH and I did without (yes, we are so selfless!). These great velvety monogrammed stockings (complete with coordinating tassles) are at Bed, BAth & Beyond I am so excited to see what Santa puts in my stocking!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Holiday (pre holiday rant...ah, uh...thoughts)

It is almost "that" time of the year! I have already read one holiday themed book. I finished The Christmas Pearl,, by Dorothea Benton Frank yesterday morning. It was cute and I did like the southern recipes included in the back of the book such as one for Mint Juleps, Breakfast Casserole, Red Rice...oh, and don't forget Light Fruitcake...yes, I actually like a good, southern style fruit cake (especially one that has been soaking in rum or brandy for a good long while before the Christmas season). I picked up another Christmas book today by Melody Carlson, The Christmas Bus, which looks like a good one. DS#2 and I have been reading Thanksgiving books nightly and we watched Mickey Mouse's Christmas video last night, no less. The movie Elf is slated to make its seasonal debut at our house tonight! Christmas music has already been a regular in my CD player and we have our Christmas Card photos scheduled.

I guess, truth be told, I am a holiday nut. My DH and I even got married in December so that I (ahhhh....WE) could have a Christmas themed wedding! I love Thanksgiving through New Year...or at least most years I do. Sadly, we have been known to get so busy that we miss the true spirit of the season.
The 1st couple of years that we lived back in the South, and closer to extended family and old friends, I think we tried to do all things with all people and it really stretched our sense of sacredness in this season. Last year was better. I really felt my family was able to focus on what the holidays are about ...starting with being thanks filled for all the blessings bestowed on us from our gracious, merciful Heavenly Father through the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ's looking forward to a happy new year in 2007. I so want to have that again, this year.

This year brings with it new challenges and resolve on my part to not miss the truth in this season. Now that I am working, I won't be able to completely, totally handle all things holiday and my family just show up and enjoy it. I will need some help. I will also probably need to adjust some of my own expectations (because you know what they say about expectations...they are only premeditated disappointments). I may have to forgo the hand woven magnolia garlands that I do and find some lovely, lush pre-made garland (I actually saw some at Sams today that had some nice looking artificial magnolia leaves woven in!). I may have to do less than Martha Stewart meals and take advantage of some talented local caterers and bakeries (not to mention my good friend the Schwan man who brings all his frozen miracles to my door twice a month). In any case, I will need to be fierce in protecting and planning for our family time in a world that would rather intrude and steal it completely.

Of course, Macy's has had Christmas decor up since September, and I have even seen houses in my area that are already decked out for the holidays, but somehow that doesn't seem to be setting up for a calmer holiday season to me. I am not really sure what made me want to write on this topic but I hope and pray that everyone will do more with less and we will all be determined and intentional about stopping and enjoying the sense of wonder and childlike joy that surrounds being Thankful to the Lord, from whom all blessings flow, and lose ourselves in awe at the perfect and precious birth of Jesus Christ. Merry Pre-Holidays! my soap box.

Friday, November 2, 2007

It's that time of year....Pumpkin Farm Visitin'

Yes, it is that special time of the year when all young children seem to find themselves on a trip to a Pumpkin Farm. We are, of course, no exception to this rule. This week, after 2 other tries (both on rare rain days here in North Georgia), DS2's kindergarten class managed to make it to the wonderous land of where pumpkins grow!

Here we are on our way to take the hay ride (funny 'cause due to lots of people having allergies...there was NO hay). This was a fun one, though, because the man running it handed out some "I spy" papers with things for us to seek on our journey. The kiddos loved it!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Serious Reading...

Oh YEAH, it is the time of the year that my boys develop a deep love of reading! They will literally sit for hours pouring over this most important of literature. This is the reading material that takes over their lives and becomes tattered and worn from use. Of course, I am talking about the annual arrival of the Christmas toy catalogs!!! What did YOU think I meant?

1st "date"

In this season of "1sts" a young man came calling this evening. He knocked on our door bearing flowers and asking to take my DD out to a dance. This is the 1st time we've officially let her go on a date (other dances we have been at as chaperones...tonight it is without us). When this young man came in, DH sat him down and had a talk with him, and we allowed her to go...

Wasn't she lovely?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Dancing in the dark...

After DD danced with her Daddy at the exact time she was born....9:11 pm, she requested that the her Daddy and I take the floor together...then, of course, "they" made fun of us old folks, especially after both sets of grandparents and the other "old" couples joined us in a slow dance...

Party Pictures, Part II

Table decorations, green and pink jelly beans!
More Party Photos.... Buffet Table
THE cake! 3 gorgeous layers topped with 16 candles!
One of the Table Decorations
Another table decoration, that is rock candy in the hurricane
DD and some friends dig in!

Party Pictures...

This week has been a whirlwind of activity so I haven't managed to get any photo's posted of the Sweet 16 Party. Sadly, I don't think our photo's were as plentiful or as good as I would have liked. I think we were too busy enjoying ourselves to really think about it much but hopefully you will enjoy the ones we do have!

The party was a blast! The kids had a great time and I think DD was just in heaven. On the way home, afterwards, she told me it was the BEST Birthday Party, I guess we accomplished what we were after.

PreParty Central! The night before our house was covered in pink and green things.
The table by the door where her friends signed a white matte for a future party pic. I placed lots of silver framed photos of her along with her Sweet 16 Joseph Birthday Girl and a silver tray of personalized M&M's for our favors.
Decorations on the pass through from the kitchen area.
Beverage Station (the kids drank a get hot after all that dancing.)

Saturday, October 20, 2007


16….16….16…. She is 16 today. Yesterday, as I drove around doing final errands for her Sweet 16 Party, and last night as I arranged flowers for the same, I kept tearing up. I was not sad but more overwhelmed by the blessings that have come from my first born. She is my spirit, an unexplainable connection and blessing flows from her into my heart. Ok, I am tearing up again…I should probably just cry and get it over with.

16 years ago, my world opened wide through the eyes of one of God’s most amazing creations. When she entered this world…I was changed. God used this tiny, precious creation to show me His glory, grace and mercy in a way that I did not know before. With every breath she took, God drew me nearer to Him and showed me just what a His love for me really was; the love of a Father, the love of a parent.

I was so immature and self centered 16 years ago. God so knew me and my limitations…He placed a baby that was textbook in care, healthy and easy. He knew I would not have done well with anything else at that point in my life. He knew me…He knew her…He blessed me by allowing me to share His creation. He used a babe to temper my heart and soul. He created a longing for Him that was stronger than I had known before. With the birth of my sweet daughter, I wanted to be a better person. I needed to know God more. Motherhood matured me and continues to temper me every single day.

16 years ago brought about unexpected changes in my heart as a wife, as well. I saw the man I married in such a different light and fell in love with him so deeply. I remember feeling awed by the depth of that love. I had heard all the stories of how a newborn can impact a marriage and very little of it was positive. That wasn’t what I felt. The months after our daughter came into this world were some of the most precious times in my life…all was right with the world. Through God’s great providence my husband and I were allowed such a blessing. Having a child strengthened my commitment to my marriage and my husband.

So, 16 years later, I sit here and marvel at what a wonderful young lady she is becoming. I pray for her daily, that God will continue to keep his hand upon her.

Happy, happy Birthday, baby.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

IF I only had a spare $399...

Well, that would probably actually need to be $798, because you know I would need 2 of these fantastic artificial pumpkins! If you are in the market for some you can find them at Grandin Road,, along with tons of other very cool things.
On to less costly but equally fun items...this is a photo of my new checkbook cover and key ring. Last weekend was the "big" festival day around here and I found both of these in a booth for less than $10. I picked up one of the lady's cards and now I can't find it (argh!). Aren't they cute? The checkbook cover set me back all of $5 and the key ring a whopping $4. I really love the keyring because it is big enough to slip over my wrist which makes this "Mommy with generally too many things to carry" very happy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Awards, even when MIA

Sweet Jenn at The Beaufort Lookout ( has been sweet enough to send this along to me. She says: "This award was design by Mike at Ordinary Folk and was originally offered by Christy of Totally Fabulous. She says this award is for bloggers was are fun,cool and of course Totally Fabulous." Thanks, are the bestest!

So, I pass it along to these fellow, Totally Fabulous bloggers:

Susan at Love, Life and Labradors (

Paula at Virginia Sweet Pea (

And Buford Betty --- make sure y'all drop over and wish her a very special belated birthday and look at the photos from her fantastically fabulous party --- (

Pink & Green Party Plans...

I haven't been blogging much the last week or so and I think it is because I have lots and lots of things to do preparing for DD's Sweet 16 Party! And YES, YES, YES she wanted a "preppy" pink and green theme for this soiree'....aren't I just the luckiest Mom? So, currently my dining room has become Party Planning Central. I thought I would snap a photo of some of the things that we are using for the decorations. (The Ribbon Topiaries were an idea from another blog...isn't blogland the bestest?) Of course, I will snap lots and lots of photos once the event actually happens so you can get the full visual to include lots and lots of pink and green balloons. Fortunately, I have been so busy that I haven't gotten melancholy about this big milestone yet...y'all pray for me because I know it will be bittersweet.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Yes, I occasionally cook...

Last weekend I got inspired and wanted to try some new recipes. The funny thing is that both came from "Southern" magazines (yes...magazines...again!). I made Southern Living magazine's Corn-and-Crab* Chowder with Southern Lady's homemade Garlic Cheddar Muffins. Oh my, they were yummy and so nice for an early fall dinner.

*The Corn-and-Crab Chowder gave the option of using a pound of peeled and cooked shrimp instead of the crab meat and that is what I opted for (which was about a $12 difference in the cost of the meal).

I am, admittedly not a gourmet, but this meal turned out so good! It is definitely a "company meal"!

Garlic Cheddar Muffins

* from September/October 2007 Southern Lady magazine, page 70

makes 12

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
¼ Cup Butter
¼ Cup Chopped Fresh Chives
1-½ teaspoons Minced Garlic
2 Cups Baking Mix
1 Cup Grated Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese
¼ teaspoon Garlic Powder
¼ teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1 Cup Buttermilk

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 12-cup muffin pan with olive oil.

  • In a small saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add chives and garlic, and cook for 2 minutes; remove from heat and set aside

  • In a medium bowl, combine baking mix, cheese, garlic powder, and pepper. In a separate bowl, combine buttermilk and butter mixture. Add buttermilk mixture to baking mixture, stirring until dry ingredients are moistened. Let batter stand for 5 minutes.

  • Evenly spoon batter into prepared muffin pan. Bake for 30 minutes, until golden brown. Cool in pan for 5 minutes before removing.

NOTE: I brushed on a bit of melted butter mixed with garlic before serving.

Corn-and-Crab Chowder

*from October 2007 Southern Living, page 102

6 Bacon Slices
2 Celery Ribs, Diced
1 Medium-size Green Bell Pepper, Diced
1 Medium Onion, Diced
1 Jalapeño Pepper, Seeded and Diced
1 (32 oz) Container Chicken Broth
3 Tablespoons All-Purpose Flour
3 Cups Fresh Corn Kernels (6 ears)
1 lb. Fresh Lump Crab Meat, Drained and Picked***
1 Cup Whipping Cream
¼ Cup Chopped Fresh Cilantro
½ Teaspoon Salt
¼ Teaspoon Pepper
Oyster Crackers
Garnish: Chopped Fresh Cilantro

  • Cook bacon in Dutch oven over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes or until crisp; remove bacon, and drain on paper towels, reserving 2 Tbsp. drippings in Dutch Oven. Crumble bacon and set aside.

  • Saute' celery and next 3 ingredients in hot drippings 5 to 6 minutes or until tender.

  • Whisk together broth and flour until smooth. Add to celery mixture. Stir in corn. Bring to boil; reduce heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, 30 minutes. Gently stir in crab meat (or shrimp) and next 4 ingredients; cook 4 to 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated.

  • Serve warm with crumbled bacon and oyster crackers. Garnish, if desired.

***1 lb. peeled cooked shrimp or chopped cooked chicken may be substituted.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Surprises in the mail!

As anyone who has read this blog for long knows…I am a magazine addict. I just love them! Imagine my surprise when I went to the mailbox, just yesterday, and in it was a surprise. A surprise in the form of the Premier Issue of Vera Bradley Magazine!!!!

What a stupendous, completely unexpected, surprise! It isn’t a big magazine (do you sense I would love to see more?) but it has some great articles and product reviews (not just Vera products, lest you think it is all about Vera, but it IS all about conveying the “Vera Lifestyle”!). It has a few yummy party recipes for the upcoming holiday season, like Cheese Triangles made from phyllo sheets and Key Lime Zinger cookies. There is also a neat article about Carmel-by-the Sea, CA and packing tips if you plan a trip there. I loved the article about the family who had relocated to NYC but worked to create a cozy home that melded their way of life before NYC with the energy of the city. Of course, it was full of great shopping and product reviews, which the part of me that requires retail therapy appreciates very much, thank you.. The photography is gorgeous and I can see how this magazine could be the start of a lovely lifestyle magazine….Vera Style, of course! I can’t wait to see more. Check it out for yourself:

***edited to add an apology for messing up the link, I think I finally got it correct!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Super Cute Shoe Friday!

Yes….this is a post about Super Cute Shoes! Thrilling, yes! Deep, no! But, eh, it is Friday so you take what you can get.

First off though, I have to say I am married to the most patient, sweetest man in the world. How do I know this, you ask? Well, when he asked me what my plans for the day were and my answer was, “To wear my new Super Cute Shoes!” he actually agreed that they are super cute, kissed me and headed down stairs to have breakfast with our boys…now, that is a sweet man! Why do I say he is the most patient? Well, that would be because as he was trying to get out the door this morning to work he not only dislodged DS2’s first “loose tooth” (which truth be known, is one of his least favorite parenting tasks!) but also willingly took some photos of said Super Cute Shoes for me so that I could share them here in blogland….Now, if that isn’t a good man…I don’t know what is!

Anyway, these are my new Super Cute Shoes! Don’t you just love them??? Before anyone rolls their eyes up in their little heads, I do know all about what "they" say about red shoes…but I have yet to hear one single thing about red plaid shoes!!!!!!!!! So I feel quite stylin’ (especially after Miss Teenage Fashion Diva lusted sufficiently over MY shoes and outfit…though I did have to borrow a bracelet from her) today in my Super Cute Shoes with cropped, dark wash, denim pants and no-to-be-out-done cute white, crochet trimmed blouse and red, faux-croc, wide headband…Oh yeah, I am cute today!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Meg over at has tagged me in a Meme. So I think, since there is nothing overly exciting to post about, I will play along but first I must admit I don't know how I feel about Meme's...I love reading about others through the information most Meme's share but I can't say I like would kind of be like those funny, sweet, sentimental email feel bad if you don't like them and are glad you are thought about but just can't quite decide how you stand on the issue...oh well, too much thought for a Thursday:

M - married to the most wonderful of men

I - introvert...yep, I am

C- Christian

H - Happy and healthy (though I could loose a bit of extra Heart Disease causing poundage)

E - Expectations are very high, about everything!

L - love my children very much

L - laughter gets me through most stress

E - Exact...that is the way I like things!

Now I tag,, and

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Red Clay?

Have you ever seen Georgia red clay? That is the dirt of my youth. I remember the 1st time I moved away from Georgia I was surprised that the dirt there was...well...brown. As a Mom, I have learned how the red clay of Georgia can leave a lasting mark on clothing that little people like to wear; as a Southerner, I have learned how the red clay of Georgia can leave a lasting mark on one's heart.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lets never forget....

Six years ago, today, were you changed?

Please don't ever forget.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New purse...

Just thought I would share a photo of my NEW purse. It is in a pink and brown paisley print with a polka dot coordinating fabric (I just love polka dots...not on me -- that would be scary -- but in other things) and lined with a brown/pink gingham fabric.

This purse was a real steal and I found it in a not so ordinary place. You see this past summer my DD was taking a Latin Class and for what ever reason (cheap rent is my guess) the teacher has a store front as his "studio/classroom" and it is in the...ah...not typical retail section of town (but the part where you can actually find competition between Bail Bondsmen). On one side of the studio is a thrift shop and on the other side a place that sells "art" know the kind you buy to coordinate with your sofa. They have pictures ranging from Elvis silhouetted above a snowy church (???) to a giant Malcom X (complete with pants hanging down so far that his drawers are showing from here to Kingdom Come...somehow I didn't realize that particular fashion trend went back to Malcom X...but then who am I to nit pick?...heck for all I know Malcom X started the whole falling down drawers thing...I bet if I looked hard enough I could have found one with Elvis and Malcom together but I was in a hurry.). Oh, and they most definately had Dogs playing Poker!

Anyway, about a month into DD's Latin course the "Art Selling" shop started to put purses in the window...not just purses, but CUTE purses. I mean really cute, unique purses! I would look at them from afar as I really wasn't too comfortable with this part of town and the thought that "art" might just be a front for some other kind of nifty business...nifty but not my kind of retail therapy, of course. Finally, though, on her last Latin class I decided they might very well be a front for something else but heck...they were fronting with really cute I went in. It was actually a pretty nice little shop on the inside and the lady who helped me was sweet as pie. So, I guess you can't judge a shop by its locale and I was very excited to get my cute new purse for only $22! Oh, and I made it out without one scary thing happening...though none of my friends really seem to believe I got it on the seedy side of town (though, they do have a deep interest in just why I was even over there!).

When I got it home I promptly called my new bestest friend (well, she might just think we are friendly aquaintences but I love her, I tell ya!) who does monogramming. I sent her my purse and (for just a teenie few dollars) she whipped up a monogram on it and now my cheapy purse looks all preppy and chic! She is just so sweet and does such great quality work and very quickly that DD and I both just love her to death. She hasn't balked at anything we have come up with to be monogram and that is a quality that I can appreciate beyond words! She is a Mompreneur and has a cute business called Angela in Stitches Angela in Stitches doesn't really keep alot of inventory but loves to work with you on what ever you need. Have I mentioned that I just love her and wish I could have her bring her monogramming genie skills over to my house and just go to town on everything here?

Monday, August 20, 2007

No more fat for cover your mouth when you cough!

Do you think it possible? Could we catch fat? There is a new study out that questions just this…saying there is a cold virus that causes us to get, uh…pleasantly plumb or maybe “pretty plus” (if you know what that is I can tell ya where your Mom shopped for you!).

Hmmmmm….a cold virus? So, that is why I battle my ever expanding self! I knew I had become germ phobic for a good reason and it wasn’t just to avoid catching some horrid strain of bubonic plague…I don’t wanna catch me no more fat! But I am just glad to know it isn’t caused by any cream filled cake products, or say, fried okra or biscuits -- which I love -- and isn't held off by exercise --not so much love--…whew! Now hand over the antibacterial wipes!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Happy Birthday, love of my life....

This is the man I love...I met him in 1985 and rode around in his "borrowed" corvette...we got engaged in 1986...we married in 1988...we had our 1st child in 1991...our 2nd in 1997...our 3rd in 2001...and I love him even more in 2007. Happy Birthday, sweetie!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good home needed....

This season of life for me is bringing some really uncomfortable changes. One being, that we have decided to sell my car. Yes, the Volvo is going. Yes, I have actually shed a few tears over this one…not because I don’t agree with the decision (I actually suggested it several months ago) but because I love that car and I kinda (sorta) don’t like my mini-van in a “it makes me feel fat” kind of way. Oh yes…it is all about me and all about vanity.

This sweet car has been my companion in a sea of giant BOHVs (AKA: Big, Ole, Honkin’ Vehicles or SUVs if that makes you feel better) and mini-vans in the carpool line for lots of years. It is 11 years old and way past the 200k point but I think it still looks pretty spiffy. Unfortunately, it has decided that it isn’t comfortable in supporting my addiction to A/C on a guaranteed, must have or I get really cranky basis. I have wrestled with the decision to either pump the money into fixing it or just selling it as is and driving the mini-van (which is much newer, with way less miles and has a kickin’ AC but gets amazinly bad gas mileage) that sits idly by in the garage. The big advantage to that is that it will greatly reduce the appearance of a used car dealership in my drive way (with the mini-van, dd’s car, dh’s car, and my car we kinda look that way even with 2 continually in the garage…not to mention the annoying auto version of musical cars we have to sometimes play to get chosen vehicle out of said garage…the neighbors must just sigh and give thanks that at least none of them were up on blocks!).

I do know this shall not be my last Volvo (I feel like I should be dirty and sweaty and standing in a turnip field as I say this), nor was it my 1st! I have my heart set on a C70 (yes, that would be the cool, “safe” convertible!) but it will take some time to find a price that is right as we have developed a severe allergy to car payments.

So, for the time being….Must Loved Volvo For Sale to good home (references required)….lots of miles, very reliable, has carried lots of car seats, sunroof, all power, leather, underseat fries and M&M stains no charge, new brakes and CD/Stereo, A/C needs work but a fantastic car and a rare "amethyst" color…….

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Another friend has caught the blog-bug!

Before I head out to the pool I wanted to plug my girlie friends new blog (she just started...shall we say peer pressure??). Y'all welcome her to blogland because I must be good to her since she is my direct pipeline to the J. Crew Clearance store (which, BTW, is way better than the outlet stores that are across the country!).

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I case you need proof!

So my back to school experience has officially ended and here's proof...teehee.....

and even more proof....
Since the degree is in Management, I wonder if I can manage to get my laundry caught up?

The 1st Day was a success!

They all had a great day and enjoyed our 1st Day of School Celebation.

Why yes, it is Hawt!

Hey, aren't we lucky? We are in the "cooler" northern area of the state and rumor has it that it is much hotter elsewhere. my world this number translates to about 752 degrees.



Where are you???