Birthday week….yes, I said week. I probably should have said month because my baby girl has always had a way of spreading it out for the whole month. This week my first born baby turned 23. That is a real, grown up number…23.
I can’t begin to find the right words to express what she means to me and has since the very first day I found out she was on her way. That day changed me and changed my life. Then on the day she was born something amazing happened to my whole world. It just seemed more beautiful and love more plentiful. She made me want to be a better person and I wanted her to have a life filled with joy and love. I knew that day that I would do anything to make that happen.
This last year she has had to take care of me though, more than I have taken care of her. She has had to lead me through some dark days, even when she was dying inside. She has fought for me like no one else ever has. Little did I know 23 years ago how much I would need her one day. I am so grateful for the blessing that God created and shared with me in this beautiful, smart, talented and strong young woman.
Happy Birthday Week, my sweet girl!

P.S. Please pop back a post and throw your suggestions in for my new blog name and enter my give-away!