DD and I even braved the "after Christmas" shopping rush and did a little shopping (more browsing than shopping because, #1 we didn't NEED a thing and #2 the sales just weren't all that spectacular).
Anyway, now that 2009 is only 2 days away I am turning my attention to the New Year and, of course, resolutions! I have 1 (yep, only 1) and that is to pare down and simplify my life. I want to rid myself mentally and physically of all the clutter that has gathered in the corners of my life. So, this week, I am planning, preparing and starting the transformation. There are several blogs, like http://www.simplemom.net/, that are really helping me focus and execute my resolution. Can you tell that I started planning my resolution a while back? So, in addition to all the fun stuff I like to blog about, you may see a post here or there about my 2009 Simplify Plan. So, do you have any resolutions (other than to not make resolutions)?