Friday, May 30, 2008
I am a farmer...

Nothing better than stepping out of the kitchen door to do harvesting!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Do you like my new look?
Do you like my new blog look? I love it!!! I am so excited and pleased about the sweet, talented lady who did it for me as well. Ya'll go over and look at her site She does a fantabulous job and just manages to "get it right"! Thanks Miz Shabbee Chick!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008
A lovely wedding...
This past weekend we attended a wedding. I must say it was one of those wonderful events where no detail was overlooked. I possibly made a huge mistake by allowing my 16 year old daughter to attend because I could see her "happily ever after" taking shape with this event as the basis!
The wedding was held where DD attended preschool, which is a gorgeous church in downtown Clemson, SC The reception was held at the Madren Center on the campus of Clemson University and the shores of Lake Hartwell in the Owen Pavilion // . The reception began just as the sun was slipping down to set over the lake which gave everything a wonderful glow.

I don't know that the weather could have been a more perfect back drop.
Lovely, cake...all white with their monogram!

The pathway to the lake was lined with beautiful blue glass lanterns...lovely.

DD and her young man

Memorial Day...

Monday, May 19, 2008
Another formal...
Yes, it is that time of the year! DD attended the Jr./Sr. Celebration Formal this past weekend. This one was a bit different because she wasn't just going with a "friend"; this time it was a full-fledged boyfriend. They have been dating (yes, actually going out together alone...gulp) for 2-1/2 months. He is really a nice young man and we like him as much as you can anyone who comes to take your little girl away...hmmm?
My baby girl!
Pretty in Pink
DD and her taller than average Beau!

WhooHoo....I am back!