Today I am so thanks filled for my God. His grace, mercy and forgiveness are beyond my comprehension but I am so thankful for them.
Today I am thankful for my DH (dear husband). He is the bestest! Just last night he tromped all over shopping with me and took me out to dinner and then this morning cooked a wonderful breakfast for the whole family...even making me heart shaped pancakes.
Today I am thankful for my children. I know so many sweet couples who are trying to hard to have children of their own (or had to go through so much to get the ones they have) and seeing the heartache that infertility can bring makes me focus on the gifts that God has blessed me with. I don't know why I was blessed like this (surely, of no worthiness of my own) but I hope I never lose sight of what wonders they are.
Today I am thankful for the country in which I live. Freedom...real freedom is what we in America have. I am thankful daily for the men & women who continue to fight and the sacrifices that their families make so that my family will be safe and free. I am thankful for those who have died in the fight for freedom, my freedom.
Today I am thankful for the shelter, food and clothing that I have been blessed with. I am thankful that I have access to medical care and that I can provide that to my children.
Today I am thankful for the "Belles", a group of friends who are scattered all over the world but found me when I was really in a lonely place in life and have continued to love and support me. Though we are all in different places and seasons of life our friendship is a beautiful thing!
Today I am thankful that I have a chance to really soak in the blessings and gifts in my life.