Now y'all remember that on Tuesday my car DIED on me. It has been in the shop and as of yesterday afternoon the mechanic could not get it to "act up" for him (geez). DH told him to keep it a few days and see what happens.
Well, low and behold, this morning I was driving the MomVan to take the kids to school and guess what???? It starts having an identitiy crisis and starts squealing and smoking like some hopped up teenie bopper. Yes, you are reading that right...I have 2 seperate vehicles that have broken down on me in a 2 day period! NOW, how many folks can lay claim to that, I ask you???
When DH arrived on the scene to yet another of my car emergencies he calls over to the mechanic that has my car, and says we are going to just come pick it up and drive it until it "acts up" again. LOL You know what? It finally decided to "act up" yesterday afternoon and so they started taking it apart and it was still in pieces this morning!!! So, my car is in pieces and the MomVan is not doing much better. Our trusted mechanic doesn't work on the brand of van I have but he did give us a recommendation on where to take it. Yep, I have 2 vehicles in 2 different repair shops as we "talk".
Oh, is going to be an expensive week.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
5 cows and 2 snakes
Today, after picking up DS#2 from preschool and stopping by the grocery store, I was heading home and enjoying the beautiful, sunny afternoon when my beloved car died. Yep, just kicked off right there as I rounded a curve.
Hmmmm, God was there too, as I was able to safely, roll right off the main road onto a little-traveled side road next to a pretty creek and a cow pasture. I do kind of wish that God had also kept the cell phone service in this picturesque locale but I won’t complain (much).
So, after getting my little man out of the car and locking it securely we were just getting ready to start walking up the road and along came the sweetest lady and her little boy. She stopped and asked if we needed help. Well, I am bit wary of strangers (and I think she probably was too but was taking a chance that if things went awry that she could probably take me and her little boy could probably take my DS since she was perched all high up her SUV and I was in my puny little dead car) so I ask if any chance she had cell phone service and she said she had left her cell phone at home but she could run home and get it. I actually just asked if she would please take my DH’s # and call him and tell him my car was DEAD and where I was…she said she would. Isn’t that just sweet? Especially since she was obviously heading out to do errands of her own with a child just the age to really pitch a fit when Mom turns around and heads back home without doing what she said she was going to do! She went back home and called my DH and then came back and let me know he was on his way. I thanked her profusely (and will definitely send her a thank you note!) and sent her on her way.
As I had just come from the grocery store I happen to have a flat of bottled water and it is baseball season so I had my trusty folding chairs in the trunk; I pulled those out and set them up under a shady tree and got DS#2 a water and he was happy as a lark. It also, so happened, that we were sitting in a patch of clover so we spent some time looking for 4 leaf clovers but didn’t have any luck with that (obviously luck wasn’t our thing this afternoon). We also walked over to the creek…actually we kind of went toward the little creek until, 1st, one snake plopped off a limb and into the water and then, 2nd, we saw another one slithering quickly to the creek…needless to say, we went back to our little chairs under our shady tree and watched the 5 cows in the pasture meandering their way to what I assume must have been lunch. DS#2 was just thrilled with this adventure and told me he was having a good time! I mean 5 cows, 2 snakes, water and a shady tree…how that could not be a good time to anyone is beyond me.
Of course, I tried cranking the car a couple of times to no avail but when DH arrived in short order he cranked it right up. Isn’t that just annoying??? He drove it on home and I drove his car. He did agree that it is running horribly and probably wouldn't even make it to the mechanic's so he called a tow truck to come pick it up and take it to our trusted mechanic (yes, we have a trusted mechanic!). So, I guess I am driving the MomVan for a few days.
Hmmmm, God was there too, as I was able to safely, roll right off the main road onto a little-traveled side road next to a pretty creek and a cow pasture. I do kind of wish that God had also kept the cell phone service in this picturesque locale but I won’t complain (much).
So, after getting my little man out of the car and locking it securely we were just getting ready to start walking up the road and along came the sweetest lady and her little boy. She stopped and asked if we needed help. Well, I am bit wary of strangers (and I think she probably was too but was taking a chance that if things went awry that she could probably take me and her little boy could probably take my DS since she was perched all high up her SUV and I was in my puny little dead car) so I ask if any chance she had cell phone service and she said she had left her cell phone at home but she could run home and get it. I actually just asked if she would please take my DH’s # and call him and tell him my car was DEAD and where I was…she said she would. Isn’t that just sweet? Especially since she was obviously heading out to do errands of her own with a child just the age to really pitch a fit when Mom turns around and heads back home without doing what she said she was going to do! She went back home and called my DH and then came back and let me know he was on his way. I thanked her profusely (and will definitely send her a thank you note!) and sent her on her way.
As I had just come from the grocery store I happen to have a flat of bottled water and it is baseball season so I had my trusty folding chairs in the trunk; I pulled those out and set them up under a shady tree and got DS#2 a water and he was happy as a lark. It also, so happened, that we were sitting in a patch of clover so we spent some time looking for 4 leaf clovers but didn’t have any luck with that (obviously luck wasn’t our thing this afternoon). We also walked over to the creek…actually we kind of went toward the little creek until, 1st, one snake plopped off a limb and into the water and then, 2nd, we saw another one slithering quickly to the creek…needless to say, we went back to our little chairs under our shady tree and watched the 5 cows in the pasture meandering their way to what I assume must have been lunch. DS#2 was just thrilled with this adventure and told me he was having a good time! I mean 5 cows, 2 snakes, water and a shady tree…how that could not be a good time to anyone is beyond me.
Of course, I tried cranking the car a couple of times to no avail but when DH arrived in short order he cranked it right up. Isn’t that just annoying??? He drove it on home and I drove his car. He did agree that it is running horribly and probably wouldn't even make it to the mechanic's so he called a tow truck to come pick it up and take it to our trusted mechanic (yes, we have a trusted mechanic!). So, I guess I am driving the MomVan for a few days.