Five years ago something amazing happened. God blessed us with the arrival of a 2nd DS. He was the missing piece of the puzzle we didn't even know was missing...thankfully God did.
Today my little baby turns 5. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so excited about a birthday; for days that is all he has talked about. FIVE is a big thing, ya know!
DS2 is just an amazement to me. Maybe that is because I have always known he was the last, maybe it was because his older siblings (5 and 10 years older) have shown me how fast this time of childhood goes; maybe it was because I always felt I missed so much with his older brother because of the months I spent in a bleak existence resulting from a severe case of post pardum depression; maybe it was because on the night he was born he stared up at me for hours as I sang "Open the Eyes of my Heart, Lord" to him (we still do that); maybe it is because he was in my arms as the horror of the 9-11 attacks unfolded and I cried, wondering what kind of world he had been born into. Or maybe, I just love him for his true green eyes!
He is a character X2. He always keeps me on my toes and thinks in ways I can never anticipate. I love this little boy.
I took cupcakes to his preschool today as part of his birthday celebration. I cried as I left. It was the last time I would bring cupcakes to preschool for a birthday...next year he will be in "big school". Of course, I will still bring goodies for his birthday there but it is somehow different. I am so happy for him and his accomplishments but my heart aches knowing he is one day closer to adulthood.