Yesterday, I had a not very positive run-in with a not very pleasant Yellow Jacket. For those of you who are not familiar with this lovely addition to the open spaces of the Southland let me tell you how blessed you are! In general during the spring and summer they are relatively harmless and not aggressive. As fall approaches, this changes, and they become like little monsters on crack with a high level of aggression.
Last evening as I was walking into my parent’s home and attempting to herd my children in without letting them get stung by this insidious creature I got strung!!! The little bugger popped me right in the center of my forehead. OUCHIE!!! There isn’t a lot of padding in that area and a sting right there was quite painful. DH immediately swung into action and got me Benadryl (sp) so the swelling was very little last night.
This morning my forehead feels a bit better but my left eye is puffy and swollen...a really good look for me. Needless to say, I won't be leaving the house today!